What you should know about industrial seed oils

What you should know about industrial seed oils

You may think that VEGETABLE OIL sounds healthy, right? However, unlike actual vegetables, “vegetable oils” are not nutrient-dense whole foods. In fact, they’re so far from whole foods that you might wonder why we would ever consider consuming them?

Did you know?

➡️The introduction of these industrial seed oils in the food supply began in the early 1900’s when Proctor and Gamble developed a way to make cottonseed oil (then classified as a toxic byproduct🤮) into an “edible” fat, resulting in what is known today as Crisco. Other oils, like canola oil, also started out as industrial chemicals, used to lubricate machinery. 

➡️The popular assumption that people gain weight as they age because their metabolism slows down may actually be from damage by industrial seed oils over time. People who are metabolically damaged feel hungry when they shouldn’t, and end up eating 600-800 more calories than needed. When you are insulin resistant (a sign of metabolic damage caused by seed oils) the body fat doesn’t get released into the bloodstream efficiently, making you hungry.

➡️From 1970 to 2000, the average consumption of one industrial seed oil, soybean oil, skyrocketed from a mere four pounds per person per year to a whopping 26 pounds per person per year!

The health impact of industrial seed oils have largely been ignored but there are known benefits from reducing or avoiding industrial seed oils in your diet.

sources: https://tinyurl.com/r4tw4wu6, https://tinyurl.com/3xvdvjyp, https://tinyurl.com/4uysnvfs https://tinyurl.com/h4b2dhbu